Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Auditing issues in Enron case - 2114 Words

1 Auditing issues in Enron case Independent Needed for the Houston office of Andersen, an audit partner that understands the role of being a public watchdog with ultimate allegiance to the creditors and shareholders . Arthur Anderson abandoned its roles as independent auditor by turning a blind eye to improper accounting, including the failure to consolidate, failure of Enron to make $51million in proposed adjustments in 1997, and failure to adequately disclose the nature of transactions with subsidiaries . Another example is Lord Wakeham joined Enron as a non-executive director in 1994 and also sat on Enrons audit and compliance committee. In addition, Andersen also provides internal audit service to Enron, which in fact impact†¦show more content†¦When Enrons stock price subsequently fell, the SPEs value also fell, triggering the Enron guarantees, which guarantee payments in turn apparently further reduced Enron stock value, triggering additional guarantees. Other guarantees would eventually buffet Enron. In the case of Braveheart, CIBC World Markets made a $115.2 million investment in return for a promise of nearly all of Enrons profit from the venture for 10 years. Whats more, Enron agreed to repay CIBC its investment, if Braveheart failed to make money. The role guarantees play in distributions to creditors Any time an enterprise guarantees the indebtedness of another in material amounts, the enterprise must disclose the nature and amount of the guarantees in the notes to the financial statements. When Enrons SPEs sought credit, the lenders often required that Enron guarantee the debt. On several occasions, Enron guaranteed amounts that various SPEs borrowed by promising to pay cash or to issue additional common shares to repay the debt if the market price of Enrons common shares dropped under a set amount or if Enrons bond rating fell below investment grade. While the notes to Enrons financial statements disclosed guarantees of the indebtedness of others, Enron did not mention that its potential liability on those guarantees, which shared common debtShow MoreRelatedEnron Was Formed In 1986 By Ken Lay (â€Å"Enron Case Study†,1439 Words   |  6 PagesEnron was formed in 1986 by Ken Lay (â€Å"Enron Case Study†, n.d). It was an energy and service company based in Houston. â€Å"The early years of Enron were modest, and despite suffering financial woes and tremendous debt for several years, Enron survived.† (Rafraf Haug, 2013). Enron was the 7th largest company on the Fortune 500 in the year 2000 with assets of $65 billion and revenue of over $100 billion (â€Å"Enron: Quality Assurance†, 2016, p 17). Despite of revenues in 2000, Enron filed for bankruptcyRead MoreThe Enron Scandal Of Enron1052 Words   |  5 Pagesskeptical about accountants’ reliability when the Enron scandal occurred. 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